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    shobu no kata 2013

    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty shobu no kata 2013

    Post by johan smits Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:25 am

    From a long time ago (or another universe) I recall CK mentioning there was no absolute info on the shobu no kata from Kodokan. Correct me if I am wrong but this is the old name for Kodokan's kime no kata.

    The shobu no kata in this thread is created by Mr. Uchida. Ryohei Uchida was, amongst other things, a budoka. Kyushin-ryu jujutsu if I am not mistaken, Shindo Muso-ryu jojutsu, Kodokan judo and the one who created the Uchida-ryu tanjojutsu (self-defense techniques with a Western walking-stick). Besides that he created a kata to practise judo as a fighting art. The Uchida-shi Shobu no kata. It is my sincere hope that NBK will join us here to shine his light on this formidably interesting subject and finish his translation he started two years ago on another forum.

    Happy landings.

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by NBK Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:15 pm

    Who are you again, and why do you keep bothering me? Very Happy

    Can you find the start I did so I don't have to retranslate that part? I may have some time early this year, but have been researching some fascinating aspects of Kano shihan's life that don't get much attention.

    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by johan smits Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:51 am

    "Once they lay me resting in Hollands cold clay / then there's nothing much left to say / so I have taken this vow and ask anything now before they finally put me away"

    - unpublished poem by unknown poet

    I will see what I can find I must have something somewhere.

    Happy landings.
    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by johan smits Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:54 am

    Found it.

    This is what I got so if you take it up from here, not now but somewhere this year.....I love you

    Uchida-shi shobu no kata

    Measures regarding life or death (situations)

    Concerning life or death (situations), every technique will vary according to exigencies, however, armed with the supposition that your opponent will, without entering, strike, kick, or thrust, and accordingly one will decide to throw, or crush, or strike and kill;to achieve the excellence of practical application movements should be part of the practice (修練)of adherents.

    Crushing section
    (NOTE: 挫き kujiki
    is not a precise term, but includes techniques in which Westerners might include joint locks, arm bars, twists, etc.)


    When (your) opponent comes striking at your face with an open hand (i.e., a slap), lifting my right hand to receive and stop it, grasp and crush (his) fingers.

    It is also desirable in this case to grasp the opponent's wrist with my right hand, then with my left arm strike the opponent's upper arm, then crush with ude-kujiki (armlock).

    When your opponent strikes your face directly, receive and stop his right hand with your right hand and strike his incoming, striking right arm.

    It would also be OK in this case to grasp his striking wrist with both hands, twist his wrist and crush it.

    - again, no taisabaki noted but this seems similar to any number of gendai and koryu jujutsu moves, stepping forward with the left foot / turning to the right to face uke from his right, outside his elbow
    - similar strikes generally are made to just above the elbow as the grasping hand extends the arm, so that the strike is above the elbow, uke's arm extended as much as possible, so the elbow is torqued between the hands and hyperextended

    When your opponent strikes at the side of your face, receive and stop with your left hand, immediately grasp with your right hand, and pass under your opponent's right armpit, turning your hands to crush his wrist.

    In this case, also, stopping his strike with your left hand, force back his incoming, striking (right) hand, insert your right hand beneath his (right) arm, press down his wrist while grasping and torquing his arm with your left hand.


    - The former is actually more of a forearm torquing motion that can lead to a break or a throw. You're using your entire body against the arm, lifting uke's right arm to step underneath and beyond. Twisting to the outside puts incredible torque on uke's forearm.
    - The latter is an armbar, with your right hand passing under and grasping his arm.


    When struck straight towards the face, I sweep with my left hand (upward?); catch up with the (upswept) arm by inserting my right hand under uke's right upper arm, grasp his right wrist, and 'crush his arm'.

    Or, can perform 'arm crush' as in #2.


    When a thrust comes towards the stomach, sweep with my left hand, grasp the wrist with my right hand and 'crush the wrist'.


    When a kick comes aimed at the 'nether regions' (that's the translation! or 'between the legs', if you prefer....)grasp the edge of the heel with your left hand, grasp the toes with your right hand, and twist and lift to 'crush the ankle'.

    #6 above should be familiar.

    Happy landings.

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by NBK Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:17 pm

    Johan probably thought I forgot him.

    Frankly, I did Sad ,

    But to compensate him I present a consolation late summer present: the missing link between Uchida Ryohei's shobu no kata and the 1950's Kodokan Goshinjutsu -

    眞劔の形 - the Showa era Shinken no kata.  

    Now I gotta find time to translate it.....

    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by johan smits Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:56 am

    And what a present it is!!

    No way you would have forgotten me pirat 

    I know you are very busy but I also know you to be a man of your word.
    So I reckoned this subject would be a good one to practise patience. I was actually planning to post in the beginning of next year asking you what had happened with the translated sentence of last year.
    But then this a whole new perspective with an equally interesting kata. 

    Them next years are going to be fine.

    Happy landings.

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by NBK Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:19 pm

    Johan, this one is simple, and seems to have a clear link to Goshinjutsu. I'll probably start a new thread, and I want to check if Tomiki sensei makes mention of it in his books on Kodokan Goshinjutsu.

    But clearly Goshinjutsu didn't spring up from nowhere - there was a preceding kata.

    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    shobu no kata 2013 Empty Re: shobu no kata 2013

    Post by johan smits Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:22 pm

    Maybe you should consider translating at least one technique a year from the Uchida shobu no kata.
    So it will not be completely forgotten?farao 

    Happy landings.

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