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    Judo Values and their Origines


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    Judo Values and their Origines Empty Judo Values and their Origines

    Post by Anatol Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:38 pm

    The IJF about

    Judo  as a sport and life philosophy:



    - POLITENESS (rei-gi) It is respect for others

    - COURAGE (yû-ki) It is doing what is right

    - SINCERITY (Sei-Jitsu) This is to speak truthfully

    - HONOUR (mei-yo) This is to be true to your word

    - MODESTY (ken-kyo) This is to talk about yourself without  arrogance or impatience

    - RESPECT (son-kei) Without respect there is no trust

    - SELF CONTROL (ji-sei) This is to remain silent when negative  feelings rise

    - FRIENDSHIP (yû-jô) This is the purest human feeling

    In traditional Kodokan Judo there  are no "specific Judo values" beside of the principles of "seiryoku zenyo" (best use of energy) and "ju no ri" (principle of the soft, flexible, yielding, adaptable) and "jita kyoei" (mutual benefit and welfare)

    but I always was curious about the origins because the "Judo values" seem to be used worldwide

    History outline of the origins of "Judo values":

    French Judo: Bernard Midan, Shozu Awazu (9th Dan) and Jean-Lucien Jazarin

    - 1985:  Bernard Midan http://www.lespritdujudo.com/actualites/code-moral-vous-croyiez-tout-savoir

    - 1985 http://judograndsaconnex.ch/code-morale-judo/

    - 1950 - 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shozo_Awazu

    - 1953 - 1982 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Lucien_Jazarin

    - 1947 - 2000 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coll%C3%A8ge_des_ceintures_noires

    Japanese Origin: Nitobe Inazu and Bushido

    - 1900 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido:_The_Soul_of_Japan

    - 1900 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/12096/12096-h/12096-h.htm

    - 1885 - 1912 http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/1240

    Nitobe has:

    - rectitude  義

    - courage  勇

    - benevolence  仁

    - politeness

    - sincerity

    - honor  誉

    - loyalty  忠

    - self control  自我管理

    That  "values" in fact are "virtues" and not values and they are very confucian.


    Shortcut and Conclusion:

    IJF Judo values are not values but virtues, they have their roots in Confucius and are not specific to Judo.

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    Judo Values and their Origines Empty IJF values

    Post by noboru Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:37 pm

    I have the same opinion. IJF used these values , may be as main judo philosophy background instead of explanation Seiryoku Zenyo and Jitta Kyoei.

    I don't know why it was changed.
    About Inazo Nitobe - he wrote book about Bushido The Soul of Japan and first was released in USA in 1900, in Japan later. He introduced there these virtues/values as background for Bushido. His book could introduce quality moral code "named Bushido" to western people in time 1900. Western people looked down to japanese little bit as barbars without qualit moral code as is western Christianity. Nitobe was Christian and japan man living in USA and this his book is attempt how change this view in westrn people.

    Some japanese history researches published some works and often they have opinion, that Nitobe was not the right people for writing and explaining about Bushido. They written that Bushido meaing is changed during times in japanese history and areas and Nitobes book described more ideals of japanese moral code than Bushido. Nitobe's Bushido is humanity Bushido and it is explained in view Nitobe's christian background. But the really Bushido was liitle bit different - is related to description in historical works Hagakure (from Saga clan), works by Taira Shigesuke etc.

    Today Bushido understanding and view in public people is created by Nitobe's Bushido explanation. Some parts and ideals from Bushido meanings were used in Japan in WW2 era for increasing militarism. Japanese people (as I know) like Nitobe's description/explanation of Bushido now.

    Kendo World 5.2 (Kendo World Magazine), article Bushido - Real and Invented by Michael Ishimatsu-Prime

    MATELA, J. Bušidó – Duše Inazó Nitobeho. Olomouc: Universita Palackého, czech only

    Bushido and the Art of Living (JAPAN LIBRARY Book 9) by Alexander BENNETT

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    Judo Values and their Origines Empty Re: Judo Values and their Origines

    Post by Y-Chromosome Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:34 am

    This was discussed extensively on another thread in the Japanese Language Sub-Forum.


    The consensus was that this is not about Judo and may not even be about Bushido given the dubious nature of the original Bushido list upon which the newer "Judo Moral Code" list was based.

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Judo Values and their Origines Empty Re: Judo Values and their Origines

    Post by NBK Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:35 am

    I think Anatol was more discussing the IJF stuff, not the French.

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    Judo Values and their Origines Empty Re: Judo Values and their Origines

    Post by Y-Chromosome Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:37 pm

    As far I can see the IJF list of values is identical to the French one. Presumably it was adopted by the IJF from the list first promulgated by the French Federation.
    I agree with Noboru above. Any set of Judo values should start with Seiryoku Zenyo and Jitta Kyoei.

    Posts : 1298
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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Judo Values and their Origines Empty Re: Judo Values and their Origines

    Post by NBK Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:54 pm

    Y-Chromosome wrote:As far I can see the IJF list of values is identical to the French one.  Presumably it was adopted by the IJF from the list first promulgated by the French Federation.
    I agree with Noboru above.  Any set of Judo values should start with Seiryoku Zenyo and Jitta Kyoei.  

    I'm traveling and reading in detail a lecture Kano shihan gave in which he mentions seiryoku zen'yô.

    There are some real surprises in it. I'll save them for my book. There's at least one lurker herein that will be blown away.

    In typical fashion it is LOOOOOONNNGGGG..... he regularly yakked on and on very repetitively and at great length. I expect the young judoka subjected to a full bore Kano lecture in the Kodokan were near comatose when he finished, but there are very few transcripts of those.  

    (There's an annual kôgi judo 'lecture' requirement for all college level judoka, and once every few years I'll sit in on one. Usually in a college or high school lecture hall, a bunch of judo jocks in their school ties and coats, and some >130kg monsters stuffed into tiny school seats. By the middle of the lecture half will be head down snoring....)

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