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    Shime waza


    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Thu May 16, 2019 12:23 am

    1) Surfing the web I found this choke; what is it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kHjF5OkwMs Never heard before; is it allowed in shihai?

    2) Is kakato jime allowed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o0KZZehZVI

    3) In IJF matches I've seen sometimes this choke (Riner performed twice or thrice years ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TihIlJ2Re0c why isn't it included in Kodokan technique list? http://kodokanjudoinstitute.org/en/waza/list/#a2-3

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Sun May 19, 2019 7:41 pm

    I found that:
    1) It is a variation of okuri eri jime.
    2) No, it shouldn't.
    3) Because it is considered more a turn over.

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2014-10-31

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by petrip Mon May 20, 2019 4:53 am

    1. of course it is allowed what would make it illlegal?
    2. Nothing there that woudl endanger uke's neck or spine so legal. Though hard so see situation where this would be best way for attack.
    2. Koshi-jime is is variation of okuri-eri-jime. No need for separate name

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Tue May 21, 2019 2:09 am

    And may you use the gi skirt to choke uke?

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-03-12

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by classicschmosby Tue May 21, 2019 3:25 am

    You cant use the skirt to strangle, it is a shido : "To apply shime-waza using either your own or your opponent’s belt or bottom of
    the jacket or using only the fingers."

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2014-10-31

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by petrip Tue May 21, 2019 5:00 am

    And in none of the techs belt or bottom of jacket was used. Jigoku-jime I have seen is usually made using also the legh to increase the pressure

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Tue May 21, 2019 6:09 am

    classicschmosby wrote:You cant use the skirt to strangle, it is a shido : "To apply shime-waza using either your own or your opponent’s belt or bottom of
    the jacket or using only the fingers."
    The belt? May you use the belt?

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-03-12

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by classicschmosby Tue May 21, 2019 7:50 am

    No, as stated above you can not use either your or your opponents belt to perform shime waza

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2019-04-10

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by NBK2 Tue May 21, 2019 5:59 pm

    you can use the gi skirt or belt tab to _hook_ uke's arm - you cannot wrap 360°, but think 270° - to immobilize it

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Sat May 25, 2019 7:04 am

    petrip wrote:2. Nothing there that would endanger uke's neck or spine so legal. Though hard so see situation where this would be best way for attack.
    Foot choke (kakato jime) endangers neck spine, ok; but why is sode guruma jime allowed?
    Tori puts an arm of his behind the uke's neck and the other in front of it and squeezes. In my opinion it's the same applied force.

    When in UFC 2 Royce Gracie defeated Remco Pardoel, he used a choke, was it an okuri eri jime? Shime waza 4lm78y
    May you use uke's lapels to choke him?

    Posts : 17
    Join date : 2014-10-31

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by petrip Sat May 25, 2019 4:21 pm

    Neither kakato-jime or sode-guruma-jime endanger neck. No referee is going call it. Having pressure on neck is not same as endangering neck. That funny looking kakato-jime puts lot less pressure on neck than say ashi-gatame-jime(sankaku-jime the commonly used name). Let alone hadaka done as in kata where it is really is effecting neck(still not near being dangerous)

    Just about any choke where you are behind uke and grip his lapel to choke is okuri-eri-jime. Though why you what would be proper classification of that. In fight you just choke and really do not ponder on name.

    Of cource you can use lapel as it not forbidden and most chokes use lapel as one component of the choke.

    Have condidered reading ther referee rules? Would answer most of your questions in one go.


    Do ask me why that one cannot be found from IJF site, only the slide set explaining the changes seems to be there.

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-03-12

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by classicschmosby Sat May 25, 2019 6:47 pm

    IJF rules start on page 84

    This document explains the main changes made since 2015:

    Posts : 203
    Join date : 2013-01-21

    Shime waza Empty Re: Shime waza

    Post by Emanuele2 Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:23 am

    Is the choke performed at 0:20 allowed in judo competitions? https://youtu.be/MpzGSHDlR7Q
    Here he was fighting a wrestler, so he hadn't a gi to grip; but in a normal judo shiai, may I do this guillotine choke during ne waza?

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