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    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2012-12-30
    Age : 83

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Empty Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff

    Post by afja_lm139 Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:53 am

    I finally found a photo of Eiichi Miyazato doing Judo! I was a student and friend of his during my stay at Naha AB, Okinawa from around Jan 1961 until the end of July 1962. He was a lot of fun to randori with and a great Judoka. He was also President of the Okinawan Judo federation so the U.S. Air Force would invite him to accompany the Air Force Judo Team from Okinawa to Japan when we needed a coach. He was a Goju-ryu karate master. I remember once he drove me to the Miyagi Garden Dojo in north side of Naha and allowed me to train there for an hour or so, after we would weed the garden!  After that I would go up once a week to train and learn from him. Goju is a very different type of karate that I was used to and I was usually drained of energy after practice. Miyazato sensei passed away in 1999.

    Most of the Internet information on him is of his Gojuryu teaching, but I found a photo of him throwing someone in Judo:

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Miyaza10

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Fb_img10

    He was a nice and funny sensei. He would invite me to the Miyagi Garden Dojo to help weed it out and then train in karate, and Judo on his wood floors!

    This photo must have been made in the 1940's looking at Eiichi and Miyagi, who died in 1953, so he looked healthy enough there. I think Miyazato was born in 25 or 26, so he was in his mid-30's when I knew him.

    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2012-12-30
    Age : 83

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Empty Re: Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff

    Post by afja_lm139 Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:10 am

    Since I am near 84, I digress too much, and drive my wife crazy with old memories! 🆒 The group photos I have had for years, but just can upon the throw image. It is quite amazing to me how the Japanese have erased the old Okinawa culture away, but it is getting very difficult to find Judo and Okinawa in the same sentence. Oh well, it is nice to share old stuff from back in the day. Miyazato was a great person and I never forgot him or his friendship.

    Another photo of Eiichi and our Naha club members in Japan, and the Kadena Judo Club gang. Hum, I took the photo and only reflection of me:
    Very Happy

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Miyaza11

    Miyazato Ei'ichi O'Sensei - Goju Ryu Karate-Do Okinawa and President of the Okinawan Judo Federation. TOP: Photo of Miyazato at barracks window on Johnson Air Base, Japan. BOTTOM: Miyazato Judo class at Kadana AB; Kneeling, L to R- Ree C. Fitzpatrick, Patrick J. Goldsworthy, Ei'ichi Miyazato (Sensei), Dean Tower, ? Matthews, name(?). Standing: L to R- Steve Vorweck, name(?), Dave Gorden, Walt Conlon.

    Miyazato took over from the late Miyagi as top Goju ryu master and was a 9th dan before I left there.

    Miyazato taught Goju ryu that was in the Shorin Ryu group back then and was quite similar to Matsubayashi-Ryu that my sensei, Shoshin Nagamine created. But, even Nagamine played Judo!

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Nagaminejudo-jpg

    Shoshin Nagamine sensei, receiving Judo shodan in 1946.

    Posts : 143
    Join date : 2013-03-01

    Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff Empty Re: Old Okinawan Judo And Gojuryu Stuff

    Post by Gus Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:34 pm

    Thanks for sharing - you know the Judo Reddit is quite active you might want to share there as well :


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