Steve Leadbeater wrote:I have told many people in the past that there is absolutely no religious significance with the bowing that is done in my Dojo.
Those spoken to are often very vocal and argumentative over this matter, and quite often openly state that they will "under no circumstances" bow to Kano, me or anyone else in the Dojo.
My reply is usually along the lines of..."of course you won't bow to anyone in here, because this is MY Dojo, it is run MY way, and if you want to argue before you even join this Dojo, you are not welcome"
Simply put......
Not exactly correct Regei for an Instructor towards a potential Student, but if I am getting "attitude" during a conversation about classes, then I will have trouble at a later time, therefore, I stop it before it begins, thus losing a potential Student, but maintaining Dojo Harmony.
Input from Senior Sensei would be appreciated on my behaviour.......
Mike Sensei ??
Richard Sensei ??
C.K. Sensei ??
Who carries the can in your dojo if a person takes litigation against you for failure to supervise your class correctly? If it is you then YOU MUST enforce your rules. Make no bones about it should the awful day ever arrive when you ended up in court under some charge of negligence you would not find the argumentative parents or pupils in the same state ULESS they are the buggers suing you!
For good bad or indifferent YOU carry the burden
in law for the responsibility of what happens in your dojo! If you cannot accept that responsibility, get out. If you do, make your rules and yourself known.
If we cannot educate a potential member that the rei is what it is NOT what THE judo uneducated make of it, what hope is there of teaching them judo and higher principles?
If religion is rammed down your throat and despite calm explanation on your part then your actions are absolutely correct.
Are we going to segregate white from black? Women from men? Catholic from protestant? East from West? North from South? Where does this end? NO NO NO. Don't open the door for people to stick their toe in. Reigi IS kodokan judo. Kodokan judo is totally and absolutely free from such outside pressures and groups.
Steve, you must always think for the good of the group and
YOURSELF. How many pupils do you have who would think twice about visiting you in prison because you lost control over your class, an accident occurred, a person was hurt and you ended up being found guilty of negligence? Particularly if the injured was a child? NO ONE would come near you............ You read the forum you see the venom among some judoka? It is unparalleled in my experience of groups. There is always a balance in life. For every good solid judoka there is one the opposite. it is generally the more unpleasant ones who get the most attention.
I personally thank you for dedicating a major part of your life in teaching a dojo. NO ONE knows how demanding this is until they have that responsibility. Your life revolves around the club and today litigation looms even larger with some people trying to make a fast few dollars. In all honesty it is a wonder we still have many dojo left considering the problems involved in running one today. Some need to be ran as businesses simply to exist!! Who needs that after coming home from a days work! Thanks again for your dedication to teaching, you deserve the judo communities respect as do all the teachers here.
This may well sound hard but its YOUR neck mate not theirs.............NEVER EVER forget that.