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    Death of Okada Sensei

    Richard Riehle

    Posts : 79
    Join date : 2013-06-22
    Location : California

    Death of Okada Sensei Empty Death of Okada Sensei

    Post by Richard Riehle Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:35 pm

    For those of you who remember Toshitaka Okada from his ne-waza seminars in the USA, I just received news that he passed away on December 20 of 2014. He was born in 1935, so was just short of his own 80th birthday.

    I first met Okada-sensei many years ago during a visit to the Kodokan. We became friends, and he invited me to attend his private ne-waza classes on Thursday afternoons in the main dojo before regular activities began. Those sessions were attended by just a small group of white-haired old men, including me.

    Often, he and I would just sit on a bench in the evening at the main dojo chatting. He had an interesting and rich life. Over the past couple of my annual visits, he has not been able to come to the Kodokan as often as before.

    It was a great privilege to have known him, to have learned from him, and to have been able to simply hang-out with him during my visits to Kodokan.

    I know he will be missed by many others.

    Richard Riehle

    Posts : 231
    Join date : 2014-01-20

    Death of Okada Sensei Empty Re: Death of Okada Sensei

    Post by Anatol Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:44 pm


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