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    Creating a new Kata Part XI: The "Kata of Hip Techniques" (Koshi waza no Kata)


    Posts : 231
    Join date : 2014-01-20

    Creating a new Kata Part XI: The "Kata of Hip Techniques" (Koshi waza no Kata) Empty Creating a new Kata Part XI: The "Kata of Hip Techniques" (Koshi waza no Kata)

    Post by Anatol Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:46 pm


    Kata (form) is a prearranged set of techniques to teach, learn and practice the techniques and principles of Judo and to blend/harmonize (ri ai) them by practicing.

    Koshi waza (Hip Techniques/Hip Throws) have as a principle to use your hip as a fulcrum to execute a throw. Close hip to hip contact (the hip of Tori very close below the Center of Mass of Uke), that your hip as a fulcrum can work most efficiently and not much lifting is involved. It's more like tilting/tipping.

    The mechanics of Hip throws are different because of the axis, Uke is thrown:

    A) Rotating Uke
    - a) around your hip
    - b) over your hip

    B) Wheeling Uke over your hip

    C) Loading Uke on your hip

    D) Shifting Uke on your hip

    This Kata can be taught starting with green belt. I tried to use common throws - as far as possible - in Competition Judo for demonstrating the principles and mechanics of Koshi waza also to close the gap between Kata and Shiai. Students should have a benefit practicing Kata both in understanding the principles and mechanics of Judo and success in contest.


    First Set (right handed)

    Rotating Uke around your Hip

    Uki Goshi


    Rotating Uke over your Hip

    O goshi


    Wheeling Uke over your Hip

    Sode tsurikomi goshi hidari


    Shifting Uke on your Hip

    Utsuri goshi


    Second Set (left handed)

    Rotating Uke around your Hip

    Harai Goshi


    Rotating Uke over your hip

    Tsuri goshi


    (Koshi Uchi mata)


    Wheeling Uke over your Hip

    Koshi guruma


    Loading Uke on your Hip

    Ushiro goshi


    If you like to, you can also use Koshi Uchi mata as a throw to rotate Uke over the hip of Tori and replace Tsuri goshi.
    You can also change right to left handed in set one and left to right handed in set two.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:41 am