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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Judo Dad
    Judo Dad

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Judo Dad Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:30 pm

    Aussie Judo is absolutely right and the rules are pretty much the same for most Judo organisations. I have been providing emergency care at judo events for the last three years and have never seen the rule regarding Loss Of Consciousness (LOC) breached, infact the referees have always been primarily concerned for the health the judoka concerned.
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Cichorei Kano Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:44 am

    Is it certain the rule was INTENTIONALLY breached, or was it rather and error, i.e. those responsible unaware or forgetting to apply the rule. Not that this may be a justification, but it is a difference. Human error happens all the time.

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    Post by Andre_Mikalov Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:02 am

    Cichorei Kano wrote:Is it certain the rule was INTENTIONALLY breached, or was it rather and error, i.e. those responsible unaware or forgetting to apply the rule. Not that this may be a justification, but it is a difference. Human error happens all the time.

    That be excellent point.

    Underpants funny (not funny) be real issue.
    Judo Dad
    Judo Dad

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    Post by Judo Dad Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:19 am

    CK makes a good point, maybe they just plain stuffed up. Seems that safety is less a priority than entertainment.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by medo Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:12 am

    aussieJudo wrote:

    7.13 of the Sporting code

    For Cadets competition, application of kansetsu waz
    a (arm locks and shime waza (strangles) is allowed:
    athlete who has lost consciousness due to shime waz
    a, or any other reason will not allowed to continue
    in the
    competition and should be referred to medical staff
    My concentration is on the ref whom seemed a bit clueless to what to do other than signal the medic. What is taught to refs these days? just signal the medic! 
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Post by Ben Reinhardt Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:35 am

    Does the JFA have a formal process for filing complaints? An Ethics Committee, Law and Legislation, something of that nature? In the USA at least in USA Judo there are pathways for filing complaints with the organization.

    I'm not saying this would work, but, my experience is that one has to follow the rules for such matters as in the bylaws/constitution of the organization.
    Judo Dad
    Judo Dad

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    Post by Judo Dad Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:37 am

    I have to agree with Aussie Judo. The cadet clearly had a LOC and what appear to be some involuntary movements while he is in an altered state of consciousness. There was no neuro assessment at the time, actually the examination was incredibly superficial. Perhaps he was seen by a doctor shortly after leaving the mat.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:14 am

    Ben Reinhardt,...............

    They do have a set of guidelines pertaining to breaches and/or alleged  breaches of various sections of the JFA Rules.
    HOWEVER, they often do not even bother to obey their own written guidelines and fail to protect those who need protection and leadership.
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:33 am

    Steve Leadbeater wrote:Ben Reinhardt,...............

    They do have a set of guidelines pertaining to breaches and/or alleged  breaches of various sections of the JFA Rules.
    HOWEVER, they often do not even bother to obey their own written guidelines and fail to protect those who need protection and leadership.

    Well, I don't know how it works in Australia...if they do not follow their own guidelines that is grounds to appeal/report to a higher authority  perhaps...the Australian Olympic Committee or maybe some government agency that regulates sport in Australia? In the USA there is a process to "decertify" an NGB, but our structure is likely a bit different than yours, as government is not directly involved (no overarching sport agency of government). You might recall from the old JF how the USJA went down that path with USA Judo.
    Judo Dad
    Judo Dad

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    Post by Judo Dad Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:03 pm

    The ASC  have advised that they have contacted the Judo Federation of Australia (JFA) to seek an explanation regarding the 2013 Australian Womens Open Incident. They also advise that a broad review of integrity and member protection issues is being conducted, that they will continue to monitor the progress of this review and will provide support as appropriate.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:10 am

    Judo Dad wrote:The ASC  have advised that they have contacted the Judo Federation of Australia (JFA) to seek an explanation regarding the 2013 Australian Womens Open Incident. They also advise that a broad review of integrity and member protection issues is being conducted, that they will continue to monitor the progress of this review and will provide support as appropriate.
    And this means exactly what.......??
    Judo Dad
    Judo Dad

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    Post by Judo Dad Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:43 am

    Steve Leadbeater wrote:
    Judo Dad wrote:The ASC  have advised that they have contacted the Judo Federation of Australia (JFA) to seek an explanation regarding the 2013 Australian Womens Open Incident. They also advise that a broad review of integrity and member protection issues is being conducted, that they will continue to monitor the progress of this review and will provide support as appropriate.
    And this means exactly what.......??
    The JFA is a government funded and recognised National Sporting Organisation (NSO). The ASC oversees the recognition of NSO's and sports funding.
    My guess is that they are concerned about the way in which a government funded NSO is behaving and are making enquiries.

    You can contact the ASC on:
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:00 am

    With Power comes Corruption, with Absolute Power comes Absolute Corruption........These people have held Absolute Power for too long !!

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by aussieJudo Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:25 am

    The JFA have been silent hoping this goes away .......Evil or Very Mad
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:51 am

    it won't  !!
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:27 am

    Judo Dad wrote:
    Steve Leadbeater wrote:
    Judo Dad wrote:The ASC  have advised that they have contacted the Judo Federation of Australia (JFA) to seek an explanation regarding the 2013 Australian Womens Open Incident. They also advise that a broad review of integrity and member protection issues is being conducted, that they will continue to monitor the progress of this review and will provide support as appropriate.
    And this means exactly what.......??
    The JFA is a government funded and recognised National Sporting Organisation (NSO). The ASC oversees the recognition of NSO's and sports funding.
    My guess is that they are concerned about the way in which a government funded NSO is behaving and are making enquiries.

    You can contact the ASC on:

    There you go...when the funding agency gets involved things happen.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:05 am


    Just because the "Funding Agency" gets involved doesn't mean that anything constructive will occur.

    Questions will be asked......of course.
    Answers will be given.....of course....BUT.....they will be the sort of answers that the "Funding Agency" expects to hear,


    "Yes we agree this was wrong".....

    "We will ensure it never happens again".....

    "of course we will remove all copies of the offending video"

    and then it will be swept under the table, unless those here continually stay on the heels of those running Judo in Australia and force changes that will prevent further "controlling dynasties" running the system.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by aussieJudo Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:46 pm

    100% correct Steve..  as of now total silence  from the JFA    waiting for this to all blow over no doubt. I hope  something gets done and the heads role.
    Australian judo for many years has had a reputation at  international level of  being a country that produces poor quality judo players  who can't throw their opponents but who always  throw the best after party. 
    This video reinforces that perception and until the culture changes from the top down the world will always expect  nothing more from the JFA.

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    Post by Davaro Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:45 pm

    Regarding the question on what the ref did after the shime waza... the ref is not allowed to touch the player. He/She should call the medic ASAP with urgency which is exactly what happened. Nothing wrong there... I am more concerned as to how the medic handled it.

    The sequence of events is probably why the player could continue as he should have been escorted off the mat with the medic to have a full check-up and the matter should have been escalated to the relevant officials.

    Anyway... underwear is much more important here
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Post by Ben Reinhardt Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:19 am

    Steve Leadbeater wrote:Ben,

    Just because the "Funding Agency" gets involved doesn't mean that anything constructive will occur.

    Questions will be asked......of course.
    Answers will be given.....of course....BUT.....they will be the sort of answers that the "Funding Agency" expects to hear,


    "Yes we agree this was wrong".....

    "We will ensure it never happens again".....

    "of course we will remove all copies of the offending video"

    and then it will be swept under the table, unless those here continually stay on the heels of those running Judo in Australia and force changes that will prevent further "controlling dynasties" running the system.
    Steve, you will note I said "things happen". Whether they are constructive or not of course remains to be seen. I hope things change for the better. My experience in the USA is that they won't, or at least very little. But who knows, you guys have a different structure.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by judoratt Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:41 am

    Ben Reinhardt wrote:
    Steve Leadbeater wrote:Ben,

    Just because the "Funding Agency" gets involved doesn't mean that anything constructive will occur.

    Questions will be asked......of course.
    Answers will be given.....of course....BUT.....they will be the sort of answers that the "Funding Agency" expects to hear,


    "Yes we agree this was wrong".....

    "We will ensure it never happens again".....

    "of course we will remove all copies of the offending video"

    and then it will be swept under the table, unless those here continually stay on the heels of those running Judo in Australia and force changes that will prevent further "controlling dynasties" running the system.
    Steve, you will note I said "things happen". Whether they are constructive or not of course remains to be seen. I hope things change for the better. My experience in the USA is that they won't, or at least very little. But who knows, you guys have a different structure.

    When the money people ask questions poeple listen. Being a board member of USA Judo for years when the USOC asked questions we listened. Will things change probably not but I belive that AJF will be serrious with their response.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Jimgo Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:11 pm

    As disgusted as I was by the performance of "The Clown" don't vent your outrage on all JFA Directors and Board members for some very severe errors in judgment.  Neville Sharpe and Michael Picken are two of the most decent and thoughtful Judoka to be found anywhere.... just to name two.

    Last edited by Jimgo on Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Ricebale Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:15 pm

    Jimgo wrote:As disgusted as I was by the performance of "The Clown" don't vent your outrage on all JFA Directors and Board members for some very severe errors in judgment.  Neville Sharpe and Michael Picken are two of the most decent and thoughtful Judoka to be found anywhere.

    That's a good point, I personally know some dudes on the board who are good people

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 5 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by AussieJudoka Sat Jun 29, 2013 5:22 pm

    Jimgo wrote:As disgusted as I was by the performance of "The Clown" don't vent your outrage on all JFA Directors and Board members for some very severe errors in judgment.  Neville Sharpe and Michael Picken are two of the most decent and thoughtful Judoka to be found anywhere.... just to name two.  
    Hopefully not all JFA Directors and Board members were involved. However, Wedgieman was not a streaker, his act was condoned by the JFA Officials present, who by permitting him to continue his behaviour for the whole of the Australian Womens Open gave tacit approval. Why was he allowed to behave in this way? The tournament should have been stopped until the offender was removed either by JFA officials or if necessary the police.
    Additionaly, the organisers must take responsibility for the scimpy dressed female escorts, matside tables, alcohol, the drunken announcer etc.etc. No dignity for womens judo and no remorse shown by the JFA Sad 

    If Neville Sharpe and Michael Picken really are "two of the most decent and thoughtful Judoka to be found anywhere" then they will not sit on their hands, they will act.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:02 pm

    Action will need to come from both National and State (NSW) Directors and it will need to be REAL ACTION, not just words.

    As an aside to this debacle, but equally as serious, will those who fought for money be prevented from obtaining Kodokan recognition of their grade if applying for reciprocal grade and those who already have Kodokan recognition be prevented from obtaining promotion in accordance with Kodokan practice ??

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