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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights!


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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by BillC Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:25 am

    NBK wrote:I'd love to see the 'social media' policy. Sounds almost Orwellian - no  crimespeak or crimethink  allowed!!

    Lots of countries don't have specific rights to free speech such as the First Amendment but as a practical matter unless you control the social media any nitwit with a cellphone and an anonymous email account can post anything.

    And will.

    My best guess is that this is some kind of a broadcast rights argument. Oddly applied here perhaps, but property issues often get things pulled from YouTube.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:33 am

    NBK wrote: ............... as a practical matter unless you control the social media any (ENLIGHTENED PERSON) nitwit with a cellphone, (FRIEND) and an anonymous email account can post anything.

    And (ABSOLUTELY) will .

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by AussieJudoka Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:22 am

    The JFA Board have responded with threats and scare tactics. Apparently the problem was social media not the people who organised and ran the Australian Womens Open event!!! They need to acknowledge that sexism & bullying are simply not acceptable behaviours.

    Last edited by AussieJudoka on Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:28 am

    AussieJudoka wrote:The problem was social media not the people who organised and ran the Australian Womens Open event!!!
    You no make sense. Was not problem Mr Underpants man? Or is problem making Mr Underpants man on Youtube (social media)? If Mr Underpants man not on Youtube, then no problem??!! Shocked 

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:30 am

    AussieJudoka wrote:The problem was social media not the people who organised and ran the Australian Womens Open event!!!

    Oh....ok !!!! You make sarcasm. Laughing  Now I understand. LOL So for Judo bosses, problem is Social Media and not Mr Underpants man. Embarassed 

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by AussieJudoka Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:38 am

    Wedgieman AKA Mr Underpants was a highly visible example of the problem, yes, but he was only part of a much bigger problem and that is the way in which the Australian Womens Open was organised and run. The problem was not just wedgieman, not social media, the problem is systemic.

    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:19 am

    aussieJudo wrote:
    The Board is also tackling the issue of the behaviour of members in social media forums. This has most immediately followed Board action to successfully request removal of material on social media only to see it re-posted by others. You would have seen that the Board has recently published a new social media policy which is now available on the website. The Board will be taking strict action on those whom transgress this policy.

    Ridiculous! The hubris of those in charge of this organization is breathtaking! If the Hacktivist group Anonymous ever caught wind of this they could cause enough problems for the JFA that would force them to reconsider this social media policy.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Steve Leadbeater Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:52 am

    So they think that they can make up a policy to tell members what they can and cannot say on a public forum...............LAWYER UP BOYS !!

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:43 am

    LOL Me thinks them Judo Bosses have more "social media" problems than Mr Underpants man soon. bounce 

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Kiichisai Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:07 pm

    The apology from Mr Underpants:

    I am writing to the complainants, the JFA board and others that I may have offended.

    On Sunday evening 9 June my wife and I were patrons of the Open event which coincided with a dinner to create a ‘fight night’ atmosphere. What I did, through a great deal of encouragement from other patrons at the event and competitors, was something done innocently and in the excitement of the moment. It is not the sort of act I have done in the past, nor will I do so again in the future. It was supposed to be in good humour in the interests of ‘gender equality’, as support for the female judokas, in competition with the girls escorting the male judokas. In hindsight, it was careless and thoughtless. Whether people found my behaviour funny and appropriate or confronting and embarrassing, at no time did I intend to be offensive. Unfortunately I allowed myself to be influenced and cheered on by others to act out of character and at no point was I thinking of those who may be offended. I did not consider the feelings of the wider judo community, people in the seating above the arena, nor did I consider the negative impact that such vision would have when taken out of context on social media, and for this I apologise.

    I have endured the most distressing time in my 33 year Judo involvement over an error of judgement that has resulted in an extremely hurtful and damaging social media campaign affecting myself, my family and the JFA board. Callously, someone also found it necessary to forward the YouTube clip to my employer. The video circulated on social media does not represent the spirit of the evening, the true nature of judo in Australia or my standard behaviour but simply an error of judgement and regret.

    I am truly sorry for the hurt I may have caused you on the night.


    Mark Callaway

    Judo Dad
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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Judo Dad Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:18 pm

    Good on you Mr Callaway you show great courage. I do hope that you alone are not made the scapegoat for the way the event was organised and run on the night.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:30 am

    Judo Dad wrote:Good on you Mr Callaway you show great courage. I do hope that you alone are not made the scapegoat for the way the event was organised and run on the night.
    I think not so good at all. He only sorry because of Social Media "campaign" and how it hurt him. Mr Underpants second last paragraph say everything!Shocked 

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by NBK Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:03 am

    Oh, well, it all makes sense now - he was mimicking one of the scantily clad ladies?

    Never underestimate the stupidity of a committee.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by AussieJudoka Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:33 am

    NBK wrote:Oh, well, it all makes sense now - he was mimicking one of the scantily clad ladies?

    Never underestimate the stupidity of a committee.

    So whose idea was it to have scantily clad ladies at the Australian Womens Open Judo Tournament? They should take responsibility like Mark Calllaway has done.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by NBK Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:47 am

    AussieJudoka wrote:
    NBK wrote:Oh, well, it all makes sense now - he was mimicking one of the scantily clad ladies?

    Never underestimate the stupidity of a committee.

    So whose idea was it to have scantily clad ladies at the Australian Womens Open Judo Tournament? They should take responsibility like Mark Calllaway has done.
    The committee, of course.  Whoever they are.  And if they voluntarily take responsibility it would be one if not the first in the history of mankind to do so.  

    I have no doubt that the committee's folks involved were and remain overworked, understaffed, well-intentioned, but apparently they screwed up in the opinion of a number of people.  I wonder if it's not likely they were sold a bill of goods by someone, either a hustler or someone trying to make a living by selling what is appropriate in any number of seemingly similar circumstance, or a combination of the former.  Doesn't make them sinners, but not saints, either.  If they screwed up, then call them to task.  If it was an individual, then identify and try to see they don't make the same mistake again.

    While I have no idea of who 'the committee' would be, I reckon I know how to find them easily enough.  

    Track the money.... these ladies weren't out there struttin' their stuff for free.  Not that I have any (recent) personal experience in the allures available from and the attractions of good lookin' wimmen Down Under, someone paid good money to a contractor that organized that display.   In short, I suspect that payee would be You.  And Your Mates, courtesy the Association.  

    Being nowhere near the Antipodes other than in timezone, if I were an 'AussieJudoka', I'd look at the national committee, or the event subcommittee, or some subset of that subcommittee that paid the entertainment / venue organizer to hire those ladies.  Drill down until your find the connection.  Who proposed the decision?  Who approved the entertainment?  What'd it cost?  Underwear boy was free, but the Glitter Gals weren't.  Is there any evidence that the racy eye candy worked or didn't work (in the sense of increased attendance or revenue or some other measurable, reasonable goal)?  Look for names on a committee roster and start asking questions. Is this now policy? Was it outside policy? Was is the policy? Should there be a policy? And probably best with a modicum of sympathy for the folks that screwed this up - presumably the aim is to make sure it doesn't happen again, not to punish someone.  

    If you're on the wrong side of that continent and the committee declines to reveal its actions, minutes, etc (check the constitution: are they required to disclose such?  an executive committee can have a lot of power if set up as most are), call up all the local media outlets that might be interested in such and see if they will pursue.  Every Australian major city seems to have a couple of free weekly news mags that seem to have time to pursue a lot less interesting stuff.  

    Last solution, vote the board / committee out, and replace them with someone more to your taste.  

    BTW if you have any decent pix, post them to me.


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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Kiichisai Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:47 am

    The complaints from many areas about the way the "prizefight" presentation of the Open division at National Championships started 3 years ago, along with some people expressing disquiet at Mr Underpants "unprofessional" approach while refereeing at the event. (fully clothed, but dancing to the intro music as the center referee).
    Unfortunately the National body was restructured a few years ago at the behest of the Federal Governments National Sports Commission, resulting in the National Committee (ie the Directors) being more remote from the general membership.  Individual members "elect" club representatives (in most states); club representatives elect the State Committee: State committee delegates elect the National Directors (not much else seems to take place at the meeting): The national directors run the JFA.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Kiichisai Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:52 pm

    You asked for it:

    JFA Social Media, Blogging, Tweeting and Internet Guidelines:

    1. Introduction:
    The Judo Federation of Australia (JFA Inc.) encourages the appropriate use of social media by all
    Persons bound by these Guidelines to engage with fans, promote the sport of Judo (particularly
    major events), individual athletes and communicate with the general public and media. The JFA
    Inc. acknowledges that social media is a broad and instant form of communication and treats all
    social media content, whether written, photographic, video, or audio, as public comment which
    is accessible to all. These Guidelines are written for the Australian Judo Team, including,
    Athletes, Coaches, Managers, Referees and Support Staff. It is also includes all JFA Inc.
    Employees, Affiliated States/Territories and their Members and Independent Contractors.

    2. Reputation:
    The Olympic sport of Judo is steeped in tradition and a formal etiquette that is promoted and
    understood throughout the world. The ethos of mutual welfare and respect is a foundation
    value, intrinsic to our sport. The challenge for all Persons bound by these Guidelines is to
    uphold the value of mutual welfare and respect as a judo representative, including the
    responsible use of social media in any setting.

    3. Postings, Blogs and Tweets:
    The JFA Inc. treats all written social media postings, blogs, status updates and Tweets as public
    ‘comment’. As a result, all Persons bound by these Guidelines should not comment or respond
    to a comment in a way that may be construed as negative or may be considered derogatory
    towards others, or put themselves in a situation where they may harm their reputation, the
    reputation of their teammates, the Australian Judo Team, or JFA Inc., including its sponsors and
    stakeholders or any other third party.

    4. Photographs, Video, Audio:
    The JFA Inc. also treats all photographs, video and audio ‘material’ posted onto social media as
    public comment and accessible to the public. Any material that may be considered negative,
    derogatory or inappropriate towards Persons bound by these Guidelines should not be posted.
    Persons bound by these Guidelines should also be mindful that material posted may be subject
    to intellectual property rights and all relevant consents and waivers should obtained before
    using any material that may be subject to intellectual property rights.

    5. Education:
    The JFA Inc. actively educates Persons bound by these Guidelines with a common sense and
    mutual respect approach to the positive use of social media. The JFA Inc. encourages “positive
    posting” as a means of communicating via social media. The JFA Inc. works with the Australian
    Sports Commission, High Performance Programme Education, particularly via the National
    Talent Identification Development Program Athletes (NTID), as well as the National Coaching
    Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) Programme to develop Coaches understanding on what is
    appropriate use of social media using a values base approach. These Guidelines will be regularly
    outlined to JFA Inc. member groups (Referees, Managers, Coaches, Athletes, Member State and
    Territory Executive, Administrators and Volunteers) at appropriate major events, as part of the
    educative process for all JFA Inc. members.

    6. Liability:
    When Persons bound by these Guidelines choose to go public with any comments or material in
    any way, including on social media, they are solely responsible for such comments and
    materials. Individuals should be aware that they can be held personally liable for any comments
    and material that may be deemed to be defamatory, obscene or proprietary. In essence,
    Persons bound by these Guidelines post comments and materials at their own risk. Further,
    Persons bound by these Guidelines should at all times make it clear that any comments and
    materials are made in their individual capacity and that they do not represent the JFA Inc., its
    sponsors or any other third party.

    7. Monitoring:
    The JFA Inc. does not actively monitor social media content of Persons bound by these
    Guidelines. The JFA Inc. does however monitor online content which could impact on the
    Australian Judo Team, individuals in that team, the JFA Inc., itself as well as sponsors and

    8. Infringements:
    In the spirit of educating Persons bound by these Guidelines about the appropriate use of social
    media, the JFA Inc. endeavours to work with individuals and members on the appropriate use of
    social media. The JFA Inc. reserves its right to take any other appropriate measures with respect
    to infringements of these Guidelines, including issuing a Take Down notice, imposing other
    sanctions, and or taking legal action for damages.

    9. Amendment/Interpretation:
    The JFA Inc. reserves the right to amend these Guidelines as it deems appropriate. The JFA Inc.
    Board shall be the final authority with respect to the interpretation and implementation of
    these Guidelines.

    10. Major Events/Other Teams:
    Persons bound by these Guidelines are advised that their participation on other teams and at
    other major events such as the Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games may involve an
    adherence to additional guidelines, by laws and contractual obligations, in relation to social
    media. Where team agreements are in place for such teams and events, such guidelines, by laws
    and contractual obligations need to be followed in conjunction with these Guidelines to the
    greatest extent possible.

    11. Persons bound by these Guidelines:
    Persons bound by these Guidelines include Athletes, Coaches, Managers, Referees, Employees,
    all JFA Inc. Affiliated States/Territories and their Members and Independent Contractors.

    12. Summation:
    The JFA Inc. Social Media, Blogging, Tweeting and Internet Guidelines is readily available at
    www.ausjudo.com.au and it is the responsibility of all JFA Inc. members to abide by its’

    Last edited by Kiichisai on Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total
    Old Chestnut

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Old Chestnut Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:46 pm

    Kiichisai wrote:
    3. Postings, Blogs and Tweets:
    The JFA Inc. treats all written social media postings, blogs, status updates and Tweets as public
    ‘comment’. As a result, all Persons bound by these Guidelines should not comment or respond
    to a comment in a way that may be construed as negative


    I also enjoyed the bit about formal etiquette.
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Steve Leadbeater Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:45 am

    As I said in an earlier comment......."Lawyer up boys"

    Someone is sure to challenge this.

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Andre_Mikalov Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:23 am

    I make "Judo Underpants club". Anybody put my on social media words criticise me and I find my lawyer friend to start write letters!!! You criticise me, you show disrespect for Judo my underpants people training. We do Judo. We "uphold the value of mutual welfare and respect as a judo representative". So you no put my underpants judo pictures on social media because you disrespecting me, my underpants judo people, and judo.

    confused confused confused confused 

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by Ricebale Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:39 am

    Most professional and amatuer sporting codes have social media policies here, never underestimate the ability of an Australian to make goose of himself Smile

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    Australian Nationals - Curious sights! - Page 7 Empty Re: Australian Nationals - Curious sights!

    Post by AussieJudoka Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:08 pm

    NBK wrote:
    AussieJudoka wrote:
    NBK wrote:Oh, well, it all makes sense now - he was mimicking one of the scantily clad ladies?

    Never underestimate the stupidity of a committee.

    So whose idea was it to have scantily clad ladies at the Australian Womens Open Judo Tournament? They should take responsibility like Mark Calllaway has done.
    The committee, of course.  Whoever they are.  And if they voluntarily take responsibility it would be one if not the first in the history of mankind to do so.  

    I have no doubt that the committee's folks involved were and remain overworked, understaffed, well-intentioned, but apparently they screwed up in the opinion of a number of people.  I wonder if it's not likely they were sold a bill of goods by someone, either a hustler or someone trying to make a living by selling what is appropriate in any number of seemingly similar circumstance, or a combination of the former.  Doesn't make them sinners, but not saints, either.  If they screwed up, then call them to task.  If it was an individual, then identify and try to see they don't make the same mistake again.  

    While I have no idea of who 'the committee' would be, I reckon I know how to find them easily enough.  

    Track the money.... these ladies weren't out there struttin' their stuff for free.  Not that I have any (recent) personal experience in the allures available from and the attractions of good lookin' wimmen Down Under, someone paid good money to a contractor that organized that display.   In short, I suspect that payee would be You.  And Your Mates, courtesy the Association.  

    Being nowhere near the Antipodes other than in timezone, if I were an 'AussieJudoka', I'd look at the national committee, or the event subcommittee, or some subset of that subcommittee that paid the entertainment / venue organizer to hire those ladies.  Drill down until your find the connection.  Who proposed the decision?  Who approved the entertainment?  What'd it cost?  Underwear boy was free, but the Glitter Gals weren't.  Is there any evidence that the racy eye candy worked or didn't work (in the sense of increased attendance or revenue or some other measurable, reasonable goal)?  Look for names on a committee roster and start asking questions.  Is this now policy?  Was it outside policy?  Was is the policy?  Should there be a policy?  And probably best with a modicum of sympathy for the folks that screwed this up - presumably the aim is to make sure it doesn't happen again, not to punish someone.     

    If you're on the wrong side of that continent and the committee declines to reveal its actions, minutes, etc (check the constitution: are they required to disclose such?  an executive committee can have a lot of power if set up as most are), call up all the local media outlets that might be interested in such and see if they will pursue.  Every Australian major city seems to have a couple of free weekly news mags that seem to have time to pursue a lot less interesting stuff.  

    Last solution, vote the board / committee out, and replace them with someone more to your taste.  

    BTW if you have any decent pix, post them to me.


    NBK summed up the situation very well. While social media has been successful in getting an apology from Mr Callaway, determining who financed the show (presumably with JFA funds) remains to be seen. BTW: I liked your observation that "those ladies weren't out there struttin' their stuff for free." There are some interesting pix off the escort ladies at work but posting them would contravene JFA Social media policy. However I cannot speak for others who may have the same or similar pixs!
    Steve Leadbeater
    Steve Leadbeater

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    Post by Steve Leadbeater Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:55 am

    As alcohol was served at this event, I wonder when and if the Liquor Licensing Board is going to get involved, and will action be taken against the person who held/holds the Liquor license ??

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    Post by NBK Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:05 am

    Underwear show

    Let me get this straight - this was a women's event?

    What did the competitors think of this?

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    Post by NBK Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:48 am

    Steve Leadbeater wrote:As alcohol was served at this event, I wonder when and if the Liquor Licensing Board is going to get involved, and will action be taken against the person who held/holds the Liquor license ??
    Why, what is at play? Alcohol and bad taste?

    In most places isn't the alcohol license held by the venue? In this case, the Wollongong Entertainment Centre. Do they not host such things regularly?

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